
Monday, 20 February 2012

Getting your colours done is a big thing!

Below is my reasoning but this especially applies to guys who are either like me, very pale, or very pink and rosy. Tan chaps should also get done but is a little easier to make things work where as pale people have fewer options that work across the board. Don't worry though guys, when you find good colours and simple tones they really warm you up and make you look full of vim and vigour.

Why you should get your colours done?

1. It helps you avoid killer colours - ones that make you loom ill or just clash

2. It helps you determine your creative colours - these are colours I call creative due to you using them to make new looks and feel confident in.

3. will determine your best ranges as to skin type - there are four skin groups; spring, summer, autumn and winter. These reflect your subtle complexions and advises best colour groups for them.

4. Add a power punch - Know what colour is daring for you and add this in a suit stripe, shirt pattern or if you really want to pop with a bold tie colour.


By the way, most of us know great colours that look good on us and ones that are awful. 9 times out of 10 these will be our most common and least common colours throughout our wardrobe. So check yours out and if 40% of your clothing had purple in it then that might be your best colour. But if you avoid orange like the plague and have 0% at all then that might be your worst. We're not as dumb as we might think when it comes to colours.

Search well on the Internet but look for reviews unless you can get a personal referral from a friend. That is the best way to try a company that can do your colours, by referral. 

Also feel free to contact me with pictures to try to help you isolate your skin tone and what some good colours will be. I do this for my clients but will say that I am no expert as the people that do this every day are to match exact colours and suggest great blends.

Tailor Dan

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