
Thursday, 23 February 2012

How to Fold a Suit Pocket Handkerchief - The Shell Fold

1. Start with a fully opened square


2. Turn to make a diamond shape and fold the top point to lay on the bottom on to form an upside down triangle


3. Take the bottom centre peak of the triangle and fold up 2/3rds of point like this


4. Fold that point back down but less so to create this concertina like fold


5. Pat down along edges to firm up creases and keep shape


6. Pinch the centre of the folds to keep position and shape


7. Fold in half like this


8. Wrap the excess fabric to the right in like this


9. And also the the remaining fabric to the left, wrap around like this


10. Then you will have the shell fold. Face either way for personal preference


1 comment:

  1. Dan, these posts are amazing. This is probably the most comprehensive content on pocket square folding I've seen online. Well done! There's some great stuff on this blog - nice and personalised too.

    I had a few issues in reading this - It's quite difficult to find the posts and reading the post isn't straight forward. If I were you, I'd look at a few things:
    - Prioritise your links to 'How Tos'. I think that's your strength here! Perhaps add some banners down the right with direct links?
    - Simplify your labels, I'd say 10 is a good amount as try to make the content fit into each
    - Add more prime keywords into your posts so they appear higher in google
    - Why don't you try to put together a video, I think your words of wisdom could work really well in that format

    Excuse me for dispensing advice where I wasn't asked but advising on blogs is my day job so I couldn't resist! :-) Hope you find it of some use.
