
Monday, 20 February 2012

The Power Look

Having a look that speaks volumes before youve even opened you rmouth can be worth serious success. Ever been in a meeting and because of your natural softer side you have lacked presence?

How about walking into a conference and looked like everybody else there, with no punch or swagger that is so needed when making your name, and more importantly, your message heard?

Or have you ever just wanted to stand out from the crowd and needed something other than shouting at the top of your lungs to be heard?

When my gents stand up they are noticed. Not because they are over dressed but becasue they exude the quiet confidence from knowing their image talks about them on their behalf.

Having the right suit is a great start, but combining it with the right shirt and tie makes the killer blow.

Imagine that yoru outfit comprise of three things:

1. The Background - this is what the whole picture will be based upon so is of course vitally important to get right. Get thsi wrong and nothing else will work. For painters it's the base and undercoat and landscape all rolled into one and needs to be seamless. This then is the suit. Tailored is best becasue a beautiful fabric from 50 feet away, whilst your are speaking on a podium collecting your busienss award or presenting your work, looks the same as a cheaper fabric.
Its the fit, style, and florishes that make the impact as to the background.

2. The Foreground - this the base on which the co-ordinates the rest of the picture and makes sense of lighjt to dark, front to back. This then is the shirt and can be a great tool in pulling gazes to you to make the statement intended.

3. the Focus - this is the main point of your picture. The area that actually meeds something fully defined and clear so that the whole view works. This is the tie. Choose a bad tie at your peril as it will be the thing that sticks out the most.

So now we know the 3 thiongs to work on it is really an easy road to getting the power look into visual arsenal. Don't worry though, this isn't going to be a brash affair or pull focus away from you the person. but it will pull focus to you and then help in communicating your message well.

Power Look combo:

  • A two button single breasted navy suit with medium to large lapels (never skinny on the power look as it hints to trendy rather than business).

  • A plain white crisp high quality shirt (if budget means a lower priced shirt then must have cufflinks and no pocket)

  • The tie must be red or at least have a red presence.

If you see politicians around the most powerful countries in the world they will always be sporting this look (sometimes depending on party colours) because they have been advised by specialists that thsi look says power and authority. It on the other hand is the best look for trust or delivering bad news (this will be another post later on).

Wanted to show the always elegant Prince William wearing a slighly more relaxed version with a blue shirt as a comparison. Below are some crisp white shirts as forground.

Look below for examples used and see how bold they look. This is about dressing for the right occasion. Don't do it to fire someone, but you can do it for intervioews and getting promotions and talking infront of 300 people to help yopu build confidence knowing your image is backing up your words.

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