
Friday, 2 March 2012

Choice of the day - 2nd March 2012

Met with one of my favourite clients today in the city and we're now starting to work on his business casual side of his wardrobe. We went with two looks in the end:

A blue grey wool, silk blend for the summer. This has great versatility as it can cross the device of formal and casual with ease. Pair it with the grey or navy trousers in the picture, which we went for, and you can wear it at conferences, after work dinners/drinks, formal family functions. 

Pair it with a jean, the picture below that, and you have a great summery look that will look great going to the theatre, walking with the family in the country, friends parties and so on.

(The photo from the iPad doesn't do the blue justice. For colour look at the 2nd picture)


We also added a great grey sharkskin. My client has a wonderful head of greying hair which suits him down to the ground. And grey wools or flannels and tweeds work wonderfully with the silver foxes of the world and compliment their look so much.



With most casual jackets you should have them lightly shorter, 1/2" suggested, then your normal suit jacket as it looks much more in proportion with a contrasting trouser. 

Look forward to making these for him and hope to remember to post the results. 


Tailor Dan

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