
Saturday, 27 October 2012

Skyfall - JLS

Dressed To Kill

So random and so awful looking. Each look doesn't combine well as a whole. There are a few items that could have been part of a great look.

Marvin - Pros: great shoes. Love to know where they are from. Look velvet to me from the picture. - Cons: everything else. Skinny tie makes his head look huuuge! Skinny lapel does the same atrociousness as the tie. Put him in a 3" shawl or notch satin lapel and a velvet bow tie and the look would transform. 5/10

Aston - Pros: The velvet jacket is delicious. Notch lapel works and even works with the shirt and tie, though I think the shirt collar could be a little less narrow. Shoes fine. - Cons: but what is going on with the trousers? Skinny trouser bottoms with an extra 3" of fabric seem bizarre at best. Best of the lot. 7/10

Ortise - Pros: looks the best fitting and is very classic. Shirt collar suits the look. Skinny tie is alright with the 3 piece. Cons: but the 3 piece does not work for the occasion. Looks office suitish rather than formal evening. Also trainers just look dumb rather than quirky as those glasses manage to achieve where the trainers don't.

JB - Pros: less said the better. - Cons: shoes, terrible (what the hell? The next in line to the throne is here. Have some class). Leather shawl lapel???? Good lord.


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