
Saturday, 1 June 2013

How to buy your wife an amazing dress in London?

Imagine walking past the trendy, quirky shop fronts of Spitalfields market near Liverpool street in London. Turn right past the swish jazz-like cafes and bars that pepper the pavement and onto Commercial Street. Go straight past the large white slab Christ Church temple which has a coffee store shaped like a giant brown cup at the bottom of the entrance steps. Then head towards the darker and more furtive, skulking shops streets as you head south. They look like those businesses that have either struggled on for decades and never changed shop front or stock in the windows and are yet still somehow open 7 days a week. Or, having finally succumb to reality and failed are boarded up and graffitied all over with sadly non-banksyesque art?

Imagine all that.


Well, imagine my surprise then to find a number of kooky little places to shop, eat, get your hair cut and so on.



But none so eye catching as the 'Fairy Goth Mother'. A beautiful little blue fronted shop slotted in on a random corner of Commercial Street selling the most colourful and sensational dresses and ball gowns, and other more tittilating garments for the boudoir, that I have seen on my travels.

I fell in love with everything about this from the wonderfully kind and generous Kato and Pip,who work there (hope I'm spelling their names correctly), to the stunning array of dresses that I know my wife would bankrupt me in buying (taking her there soon as I didn't make it to London today).


If you get a chance do specifically go there.


It is open most days 11am - 6pm (closes at 5pm sat & sun and is closed all day monday) then I highly recommend it. And to top it all off I think the prices for such stunning dresses in the shop were perfectly on budget. You can happily spend upwards to £400 for a sultry evening gown yet saw the dress below for £45. That is stunning.




  1. This is really an amazing collection of dresses and they look really beautiful and amazing. I will love to buy at least one of them.

    1. Couldn't agree more. Would recommend anybody to own something from there.
