
Saturday, 8 March 2014

Crazy long time between Posts...

Hey all


My deep and sincere apologies for leaving a gap so giant between posts that it resembles the hole left in some of the buildings in the new Godzilla trailer (looks awesome but have a feeling may not be all that).

So, how have you all been? Anything new happen whilst I've been away?


Myself, I have been working hardcore and spending some time with friends and fam.

Just wanted to share a few looks that I have seen recently and thought looked great.

If you have only one DJ (Tuxedo for our USA friends) it then has to be this one. A simple but hugely elegant Peak lapel (the pointy up bits under the front of the collar). Ignore the overblown and rarely good looking Shawl lapel below...

...or the rather boring and missable notch lapel...

...ok, it would be very hard to miss this fabric, but look at the collar lapel area and then imagine the rest was a plain black fabric as a DJ (Tuxedo's) should be. Its dull and unworthy of your greatness.

Go for the first and never look back. If you want it to still look good in 10 years, as a good suit rarely worn should last as long as weight doesn't change too greatly, then stick with a medium width lapel (3 to 3 1/2"). This is playing it safe but too wide (4"+) like a Tom Ford jacket and it may look dated in 3-4 years as fashions change. Too trim (2 3/4") and it looks silly. Especially if you are have a 44" chest or wider. 2 3/4" lapel is NOT a bad thing if you are very slim. 38" chest and under are ok for this width.

Look forward to your emails and comments.


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