
Thursday, 1 March 2012

The Tailoring Efforts on the Train Ride in...

On the way in to work every morning I tend to be emailing clients or attending my to do list or blogging if I have a moment to myself, as I do now, and generally my 30 minutes passes quickly and easily and I may not have looked up once at my fellow commuters.

But I will make this at least a 3 minute habit each morning. And you might wish to do so to. As this is the time to take stock of what you do and don't like in style and wardrobe. Suits, shirts, shoes, ties you name it. All are on display and just sitting there to be admired or avoided and are ripe for some self lessons.

Find out what you like. Is your eye drawn to guys in a particular colour suit, tie, scarf, coat, etc..? Do you wear this colour a lot? You see? You can be critical, quietly in your own head, or complimentary and find out if you may sport some of these bad items.

My biggest one I look for is shirt & tie combination. Does it work? Does it clash? Do I wear it?
So go on, let the ride in instruct you for a few minutes and grow your understanding of what you think is good and bad. And let me know your results.
Happy travelling.

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