
Thursday, 1 March 2012

Your First Suit Ever

Navy or dark grey. There you go. Done. 

This is actually a tougher prospect to convince gentleman of then styles as most men will give way to an expert regarding fit and style but fight on colour and pattern as we think somethimes a plain coloured suit is boring. 

The main reason having your first suit ever as a plain navy or dark grey is simple. It's so you can wear it as French as needed and to most occasions and events and it will always look in place and never stand out as the only suit you have. 

Benefits of a navy or dark grey:

  • Works well with nearly any shirt and tie colouring
  • Both hide stains well
  • Can be worn to most events if needed including weddings, funerals, formal events, the races, theatre, opera, red carpet events, christenings, job interviews, promotion interviews, board room meetings, press interviews, award ceremonies, etc....
  • Looks classic all the time
  • Will still be in fashion in 10 years time
  • Will not be noticed as your only suit compared to a bold pattern or pinstripe
  • At least one of them will suit everybodys complexion and style



All classic looking and very professional but can change the appearance totally with a colourful shirt and tie. 

You may notice that I think Daniel Craig looks rather well dressed. I do, but i like his look because he's not a pretty boy model he's rough around the edges like most of us. 

You see, we can all be James Bond if we try.


2 button:

Make it a classic two button too. Al the other styles are ok for later years but 3 button comes and goes nd personally looks naff on most guys, the double breasted is for when you have a larger rotation and the 4 button should never see the light of another day. Or night. 2 button will look good in a decade. The others may not. 


Hope all has helped. Contact me with any questions. 


Tailor Dan

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